||KRC prelude, D. A. Turner, April 2016
||This is a new prelude written for the Unix version of KRC, mostly
||borrowed from the preludes of Miranda and/or Haskell
    abs :- takes the absolute value of a number, e.g. abs (-3) is 3;
    abs x = x, x >= 0
          = -x

    all :- applied to a predicate (truth-valued function) and a list
           returns "TRUE" if the predicate holds for every element;
    all f = and . map f

    and :- applied to a list of truthvalues, takes the logical conjunction;
    and = foldr '&' "TRUE"

    any :- applied to a predicate and a list returns "TRUE" if the 
           predicate is "TRUE" for at least one element of the list;
    any f = or . map f

    bool :- predicate, returns "TRUE" on the strings "TRUE" and "FALSE",
            "FALSE" on other values;
    bool x = x=="TRUE" | x=="FALSE"

    char :- predicate, true on strings of size one, false otherwise
            (defined in machine code);

    chr :- `chr n' is ascii character number n, e.g. chr 10 == "\n"
            (defined in machine code);

    cjustify :- applied to a number and a string, centre justifies the
                string in a field of the specified width;
    cjustify n x = cjustify' (n - printwidth x) x

    cjustify' :- used by cjustify;
    cjustify' n x = [spaces (n / 2),x,spaces ((n + 1) / 2)]

    curry :- converts a function that expects a 2-list into a function
             that takes its arguments one at a time;
    curry f a b = curry f [a,b]

    curry_ :- generic, converts a function expecting an n-list into the
              corresponding n-ary function. Example: curry = curry_ 2.
              Unlike generic uncurry, curry_ needs to be given n;
    curry_ 0 f = f []
    curry_ n f = curry_' n f

    curry_' :- used by curry_, it is introduced to get round the rule
               that a KRC function must have the same number of formal
               parameters in each of its defining equations;
    curry_' n f a = curry_ (n-1) (f . (':' a))

    concat :- applied to a list of lists, joins them into a single list
              with `++', e.g.
                  concat [[1,2],[3,4]] = [1,2,3,4];
    concat = foldr '++' []

    const :- creates constant functions, e.g (const 3) is a function that
             always returns 3;
    const a b = a

    digit :- predicate, true on single digit strings;
    digit x = char x & "0" <= x <= "9"

    digitval :- returns the numeric value of a digit;
    digitval x = ord x - ord "0", digit x

    drop :- `drop n x' returns list x without its first n elements;
    drop n x = x, n <= 0
    drop n [] = []
    drop n (a:x) = drop (n - 1) x

    dropwhile :- `dropwhile f x' removes elements from the front of list x
                 for which function f returns "TRUE";
    dropwhile f [] = []
    dropwhile f (a:x) = dropwhile f x, f a
                      = a:x
    elem :- applied to a value and a list returns "TRUE" or "FALSE" as the
            value is or not present in the list;
    elem = flip member

    even :- predicate, true on even numbers;
    even n = n % 2 == 0

    error :- applied to a printable value, terminates the program and
             prints the value with (!) on stderr.
            (defined in machine code);

    explode :- explodes a string into a list of characters
            (defined in machine code);

    filter :- applied to a predicate and a list returns a list of the
              elements for which the predicate takes value "TRUE";
    filter f x = {a|a<-x;f a}

    flip :- converts a two-argument function into one that takes its
            arguments in the opposite order;
    flip f a b = f b a

    foldl :- folds up a list using a given binary operator and start
             value in a left associative way.  Example:
                 foldl op r [a,b,c] = op c (op b (op a r))
             In order to run in constant space, foldl evaluates
             the accumulating result at each stage;
    foldl op s [] = s
    foldl op s (a:x) = strict (foldl op) (op a s) x

    foldl1 :- folds left over non-empty lists;
    foldl1 op (a:x) = foldl op a x

    foldr :- folds up a list using a given binary operator and start
             value in a right associative way.  Example:
                 foldr op r [a,b,c] = op a (op b (op c r));
    foldr op s [] = s
    foldr op s (a:x) = op a (foldr op s x)

    foldr1 :- folds right over non-empty lists;
    foldr1 op [a] = a
    foldr1 op (a:b:x) = op a (foldr1 op (b:x))

    function :- type testing predicate
            (defined in machine code);

    hd :- applied to a non empty list, returns its first element;
    hd (a:x) = a

    id :- is the identity function, applied to any object it returns it;
    id a = a

    implode :- takes a list of strings and joins them together to make a
               single string - the opposite of explode
            (defined in machine code);

    init :- applied to a non-empty list returns the list without its last
    init [a] = []
    init (a:x) = a : init x

    interleave :- merges two lists into one by taking members from them
    interleave (a:x) y = a:interleave y x
    interleave [] y = y

    intersect :- returns a list of the common elements of two lists;
    intersect x y = filter (member x) y

    iterate :- (iterate f x) is the infinite list [x,f x,f(f x), ... ];
    iterate f x = x : iterate f (f x)

    last :- applied to a non-empty list returns its last element;
    last x = x (#x-1)

    lay :- applied to a list formats it to have one element per line when
           printed with !;
    lay [] = []
    lay (a:x) = show a:"\n":lay x

    layn :- similar to `lay', but produces output with numbered lines;
    layn x = layn' 1 x

    layn' :- (layn' n x) formats list x one element per line with lines
             numbered starting at n;
    layn' n [] = []
    layn' n (a:x) = rjustify 4 n:")  ":show a:nl:layn' (n + 1) x

    length :- a function with same action as unary `#';
    length x = #x

    letter :- predicate, true on single letter strings;
    letter x = uppercase x | lowercase x

    limit :- finds the fixed point, if any, of a function repeatedly applied
             to an initial value;
    limit f x = limit f (f x), f x \= x
              = x

    list :- type testing predicate
            (defined in machine code);

    listdiff :- defines the action of the "--" operator;
    listdiff [] y = []
    listdiff x [] = x
    listdiff (a:x) (b:y) = listdiff x y, a == b
                         = listdiff (a:listdiff x [b]) y

    ljustify :- applied to a number and a string, left justifies the string
                in a field of the specified width;
    ljustify n x = [x,spaces (n - printwidth x)]

    lowercase :- predicate, true on lowercase letters;
    lowercase x = char x & ord "a" <= ord x <= ord "z"

    map :- applied to a function and a list returns the list obtained by
           applying the function to each element;
    map f x = {f a|a<-x}

    max :- returns the greater of two numbers or two strings under '>=';
    max a b = a, a>=b
            = b

    maximum :- of a list of numbers or strings returns the greatest;
    maximum = foldl1 max

    member :- applied to a list and a value returns "TRUE" or "FALSE" as the
              value is or not present in the list;
    member [] a = "FALSE"
    member (a:x) b = a == b | member x b

    merge :- of two ordered lists merges them to a single ordered list;
    merge x [] = x
    merge [] y = y
    merge (a:x) (b:y) = a:merge x (b:y), a <= b
                      = b:merge (a:x) y

    min :- returns the lesser of two numbers or two strings under '<=';
    min a b = a, a<=b
            = b

    minimum :- of a list of numbers or strings returns the least;
    minimum = foldl1 min

    mkset :- removes duplicate elements from a list, takes time quadratic in
             the length of the list;
    mkset x = mkset' x []

    mkset' :- used by mkset;
    mkset' [] y = []
    mkset' (a:x) y = mkset' x y, member y a
                   = a:mkset' x (a:y)

    neg :- a function with same action as unary `-';
    neg x = -x

    nl :- newline;
    nl = chr 10

    not :- a function with same action as unary `\';
    not x = \x

    np :- newpage;
    np = chr 12

    number :- type testing predicate
            (defined in machine code);

    odd :- predicate, true on odd numbers;
    odd n = \even n

    or :- applied to a list of truthvalues, takes their logical disjunction;
    or = foldr '|' "FALSE"

    ord :- converts a character to its ascii number, e.g. ord "\n" == 10
            (defined in machine code);

    printwidth :- for any value returns its width on printing with "!",
                  width meaning number of characters
            (defined in machine code);

    product :- applied to list of numbers returns their product;
    product = foldl '*' 1

    quote :- quotation mark;
    quote = chr 34

    read :- takes a file or device name and returns a list of characters
            (defined in machine code);

    rep :- `rep n x' produces a list with n elements all of which are x;
    rep n x = take n (repeat x)

    repeat :- `repeat x' produces an infinite list of x's;
    repeat x = x : repeat x

    reverse :- applied to a list returns a list of the same elements in
               reverse order;
    reverse = foldl ':' []

    rjustify :- applied to a number and a string, right justifies the string
                in a field of the specified width;
    rjustify n x = [spaces (n - printwidth x),x]

    seq :- `seq x y' evaluates x and returns y
            (defined in machine code);

    show :- applied to any (non-function) value formats it to show its
            structure when printed with !;
    show x = x, number x
           = ["\"",map showchar (explode x),"\""], string x
    show [] = "[]"
    show (a:x) = ["[",show a,{[",",show b]|b<-x},"]"]

    showchar :- part of the workings of `show', for use on strings;
    showchar c = c, 32 <= ord c < 127
    showchar "\a" = "\\a"
    showchar "\b" = "\\b"
    showchar "\f" = "\\f"
    showchar "\n" = "\\n"
    showchar "\r" = "\\r"
    showchar "\v" = "\\v"
    showchar "\\" = "\\\\"
    showchar "\"" = "\\\""
    showchar c = ["\\",ord c]

    sort :- of a list of numbers or strings returns an ordered list of the
            same elements. This version of merge-sort is due to Ian Lynagh;
    sort = sort' . map (flip ':' [])

    sort' :- used by sort;
    sort' [] = []
    sort' [x] = x
    sort' xs = sort' (sort'' xs)

    sort'' :- used by sort, Ian Lynagh calls this function merge_pairs;
    sort'' [] = []
    sort'' [x] = [x]
    sort'' (x:y:xs) = merge x y : sort'' xs

    spaces :- applied to a number returns a list of that many spaces;
    spaces 0 = []
    spaces n = " ":spaces (n - 1)

    strict :- applied to a function returns a version of the function that
              always evaluates its argument;
    strict f x = seq x (f x)

    string :- type testing predicate
            (defined in machine code);

    sum :- applied to list of numbers returns their sum;
    sum = foldl '+' 0

    tab :- horizontal tab;
    tab = chr 9

    take :- `take n x' returns a list of the first n elements of list x;
    take n x = [], n <= 0
    take n [] = []
    take n (a:x) = a : take (n - 1) x

    takewhile :- `takewhile f x' takes elements from the front of list x for
                 which function f returns "TRUE";
    takewhile f [] = []
    takewhile f (a:x) = a : takewhile f x, f a
                      = []

    tl :- applied to a non-empty list returns the list without its first
    tl (a:x) = x

    uncurry :- generic uncurry, converts an n-ary function into a
               function that takes its arguments as an n-list;
    uncurry f [] = f
    uncurry f (a:x) = uncurry (f a) x

    union :- returns a merger of two lists with duplicates removed;
    union x y = mkset (interleave x y)

    until :- of predicate, function and value, applies the function to
             the value until the predicate is satisfied;
    until f g x = x, f x
                = until f g (g x)

    uppercase :- predicate, true on uppercase letters;
    uppercase x = char x & ord "A" <= ord x <= ord "Z"

    vt :- vertical tab;
    vt = chr 11

    write :- used to mark items to be sent to a file on output with !
                 write "filename" x
             where x is any KRC data item.
            (defined in machine code);

    zip :- applied to a list of lists, returns the matrix transpose 
           i.e. rows and columns are interchanged.  Example
               zip [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]] = [[1,4],[2,5],[3,6]]
           also accepts upper triangular matrices, e.g.
               zip [[1,2,3],[4,5],[6]] = [[1,4,6],[2,5],[3]];
    zip x = zip' (takewhile ('\=' []) x)

    zip' :- used by zip;
    zip' x = [], x==[]
           = map hd x : zip (map tl x)

    zipwith :- applies an n-ary function to each row of a matrix with
               n columns. Taking a 3-ary function f as example
               zipwith f [x,y,z]
               = [f (x 0) (y 0) (z 0), f (x 1) (y 1) (z 1), ... ];
    zipwith f xss = map (uncurry f) (zip xss)